Frequently Asked Questions

Many of our customers have specific questions about our professional cleaning services. Find the details about Sydney Sparkling Cleaning Services:

Are a COVID Safe Business - registered with the NSW and Australian Federal Governments

Are fully experienced in all facets of Commercial & Residential Cleaning

Are a 100% fully owned and operated Australian company

Have been in business for over 13 years

Have a “ Service Guarantee “

Carries $20,000,000 Public Liability Insurance

Provides obligation free quotations, which includes a personalised written job specification at zero cost

Only has professional, insured, background checked and experienced cleaners

Provides cleaners, all equipment and cleaning products

Provides consumables upon request

Can be contacted 7 days a week (02) 9807 7475 0r after hours on 0420 997 494

Accepts Credit Card payment or electronic bank transfer

Our Bank and Payment Details

  • Bank : ANZ
  • Account Name : Sydney Sparkling Cleaning Services Pty Ltd
  • BSB No : 012 492
  • Account Number : 4837 59483
  • Credit Card (Qantas Frequent Flyer) payment, please call our office on 02 9807 7475
  • ACN Number : 132 363 734
  • ABN Number : 59 132 363 734